The book
This book developed out of work we did in contributing two chapters to Clinical Engineering – A handbook for Clinical and Biomedical Engineers, edited by Taktak et al. and published by Academic Press in 2014. We had drafted about 50,000 words before that project was reassessed. We then condensed down our ideas into the two chapters and determined to continue and expand the work into our own full text book.
The vision we developed over the period from about May 2013 to final submission of our manuscript in May 2016 was that Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) extends beyond managing and maintaining medical equipment, vitally important though that is, to include advancing patient care through the application of technology and of systems engineering principles. We propose a management model based on interlinked strategic and operational quality cycles and based specifically on the international ISO 55000 series of Standards on Asset Management. When fully realized, this model will deliver a comprehensive and transparent methodology for implementing an HTM programme throughout a healthcare organization.
The approach is directed at enhancing the value (benefit in relation to cost) of the medical equipment assets of healthcare organizations in any part of the world, to best support patients, clinicians and other care providers, as well as financial stakeholders. The book shows how to cost effectively manage medical equipment through its full life cycle, from acquisition through operational use to disposal, and to advance care, adding value to the medical equipment assets for the benefit of patients and stakeholders.
Using illustrative case studies linking the chapters, we have included practical examples of both managing medical equipment and supporting patient care, our twin pillars of HTM. For readers coming new into the Clinical Engineering profession and for their teachers and trainers, we have included ‘self directed learning’ points to encourage deeper thinking about the material and how to improve their professional practice.
We believe the book will be of interest to practicing clinical engineers and to students and lecturers. Clinicians, Chief Executive Officers, Directors of Finance and other hospital managers with responsibility for the governance of medical equipment will also find this book of interest and value.
We hope that this website will provide a forum for further discussion and dissemination of the ideas articulated in the book and for further illustrative case studies.